
WIMA Canopy

The WIMA Canopy sent soon after the 3.11 to Sendai city accomplished its role and returned to Osaka. Together with 5 other motorcycles, WIMA Canopy was utilized in the disaster-struck areas in Miyagi prefecture. People who used the bikes said that they were so helpful, and kindly showed their feeling of thankfulness by polishing the bikes. It is our great honor that we received a certificate of appreciation from the Social Welfare Council of Sendai. We are proud to be involved in this activity led by Pit Support Co., Ltd. in a suitable way as a motorcycle association and grateful for the company for the chance given to us to work with them. The reconstruction in Tohoku has various aspects. We are witnessing rapid progress in some parts, but progress is too slow in other parts. Regarding the accident of Fukushima disaster, the problem is ongoing. As a Japanese , and as a rider, I would like to continue to cooperate in recovery efforts.



ラブジアース ミーティング18th/福井県 大飯郡高浜町 釈迦浜

The 18th Love the Earth Meeting

Many riders who love the earth did beach clean-up activity in Fukui prefecture. We made a huge mountain of driftage after 2 hours of clean-up. The mayor’s message was wonderful; “I think that riders in riding suits gathering here to help clean the earth is chic and cool! I hope cool riders like you all will increase in future.” In order to change perspective toward riders, we, riders need to change first, right?

福井県大飯郡高浜町 釈迦浜(しゃかま)



キャッチインライダースZ 幸田サーキット

 Catch in Riders Z at Kota Circuit YRP Kiriyama

About 800 motorcycles including five of WIMA members gathered for a circuit touring event on this beautiful Saturday. The participants enjoyed riding regardless of their ages, sex, type of motorcycles, and riding skills. It was great fun and a good chance to practice riding. Of course, endless chatting after the ride was another fun for girls!



春ミーティング+総会 in 西浦温泉

Spring Meeting 2012

With cherry blossom front came west to east, long awaited riding season has come in Japan! WIMA Japan had a spring meeting in Aichi prefecture (central Japan). We also had a general meeting and discussed about a lot of agenda. The very Japanese style dinner after the talk was great and we chatted with each other till late. The ocean-view open-air spa of the hotel was perfect for us after a long ride. Some people enjoyed a nearby popular winding route on the way back home in a group. We’ll see you sometime, somewhere, till then, Matane!



東京モーターサイクルショー 2012

Tokyo Motorcycle Show 2012

WIMA carried out PR activity, handing out flyers to female visitors, at the Tokyo Motorcycle Show for 3-day in March.


Great number of female riders! Yee-ha!

We were impressed by the number of female visitors, including current riders, future riders, former riders, especially this year. A booth for ladies was packed with people at the time of “win-a-prize game”. Surprisingly, 3,000 copies of leaflet were all gone by the end of 2nd day. It was wonderful 3-day event to meet such a lot of rider girls!



ラブジアース ミーティング17th/静岡県 牧之原市 地頭方海浜公園

The 17th Love the Earth Meeting

Despite our worries about weather, typhoon has passed away and we gathered under the blue sky.
We now have regular visitors to our booth and some people looking forward to see each other on occasions of this event.



Nothing is difficult. Just come and do it.

As many of our friends already know, the Love the Earth campaign is a riders’ initiative to return the favors we riders have received from beautiful nature. As many as 800 riders came from all over Japan and cleaned up the beach. At the beach, there were so many driftwoods along with garbage by typhoon, but these woods will back to nature “naturally” and we picked up only rubbish. The talk shows and some games after clean-up are another fun for participants.




WIMA Japan Autumn Meeting

WIMA Japan’s national meeting was also held on the day and some members rode to Hamamatsu where the meeting held after joining the activity.
WIMA Japan will keep supporting the Love the Earth campaign.




バイクのふるさと浜松 2011

Motorcycle event: Hamamatsu-city, Home of Motorcycles 2011 August 20, 21, 2011

Annual motorcycle event, the Home of Motorcycles 2011 was held in Hamamatsu-city, Shizuoka. This year again, WIMA made PR and reported our activities on stage and at our own booth.

バイクのふるさと浜松 8/20-21


On the stage

In addition to allocated PR time, one of our member appeared on a talk show together with a female on-road racer and also a female motocross racer. The theme of the talk show was “motorcycle life of women” and of course stories about GB rally was mentioned by WIMA member.



2011 インターナショナルラリー in イギリス

2011 International Rally in GB

初日  午後に会場に入り、受付とバイクの受け取り。宿舎は大学の寮です。夜は歓迎パーティーがあり、日本ラリ―に来ていた海外メンバーと再会
2日目  ドイツのメンバーにくっついて、初めてのツーリング。右も左もわからないうえに、roundaboutという英国特有の交差点にとまどう。延々と続く石垣に囲まれた牧草地に、羊がいっぱい。
3日目  越野さんの先導で、近くの海辺の町へミニツーリング&ティータイム。会場に戻ったらスポーツ大会の真っ最中、夕方にはBelfaganというダンスの披露&体験と、イベント目白押しの1日。
4日目  人見さんと2人でLowther城へツーリング。帰りに走ったUllswater湖畔からWindermereへ抜けるA592は、絶景ルート。夜は国対抗のカラオケ大会があり、日本の「上を向いて歩こう」は2位に。
5日目  Windermere湖へ、汽車とフェリーのツアー…のはずが、皆葉さんと2人で給油に行っている間にみんな出発してしまい、慌ててWindermere湖のフェリー乗り場へ走る。しかし、そこは乗るはずだったフェリーが着く先で、みんなが乗ったフェリーをお迎えして、無事合流。この日は、さよならパーティーが開催され、思い思いのコスチュームで盛り上がる。
最終日  ManchesterやLondonまでバイクで走る日本メンバーを見送ったあと、帰路につく。

東日本大震災 復興支援活動

The Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Support

On March 11th, 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred. Fortunately we were able to confirm safety of our members living in the affected region.

Fuel shortage was serious problem after the disaster. Under such circumstances, an Osaka-based company PITSUPPORT Co., Ltd. was preparing to deliver motorcycles for the use of relief activity, because he learnt usefulness of small motorcycles in disaster sites from his experience of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995, and thought this is the time to fully utilize value of motorcycles. WIMA Japan worked with the company and 1 GYRO CANOPY (Honda) was sent by WIMA Japan together with 3 GYRO CANOPYs, 1 GEAR (Yamaha), 1 JOG (Yamaha) by PITSUPPORT.

This activity appeared in the newspaper. Following is the translation of the article.

東日本大震災 復興支援活動



地震発生直後の燃料不足が深刻な状況の中、大阪を拠点とする株式会社ピットサポートさんが、阪神大震災の経験から二輪車の有用性を今こそ活用すべきだと、バイクを被災地に贈られる準備をされていたことから、WIMA日本支部はこれに協力させていただきました。ジャイロキャノピー4台、ヤマハギア1台、JOG 1台の計6台のうち、ジャイロキャノピー1台が「WIMA号」として有効に活用されています。


The Nirinsha Shinbun (used with permission)

 ●English Translation

More than two months has passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred and many people in the motorcycle industry providing various assistances for the affected area. Among them, a Kansai-based motorcycle-related company and a non-business riders’ community cooperated together to send business-use motorcycles as emergency vehicles for relief activity shortly after the disaster. The motorcycles along with other machines sent from different routes are widely utilized in the quake-hit area to facilitate support activities.

This was achieved by the collaboration of 2 organizations; The PITSUPPORT Co., Ltd who provides maintenance and management service of business-use motorcycles in Osaka and Japan division of Women’s International Motorcycle Association which consist of female who loves motorcycles.

On the day of the earthquake hit, president of PITSUPPORT Takayuki Matsumoto encountered a jolt of the huge earthquake in Tokyo while he was working there. After he returned to Osaka, he found the serious damages on news and remembered how useful motorcycles were at the time of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, then decided to transport business-use motorcycles to the disaster-stricken region. He also heard about supporting and encouraging messages sent from overseas members of WIMA to WIMA Japan from Keiko Osawa of WIMA Japan (resident of Kansai) and this gave him a push to move ahead with the plan.

Coordination was not easy due to communication system failure but Osawa and a WIMA member living in Tohoku area who already engaged in volunteer activity on-site worked together and the plan came true by transporting 6 business-use motorcycles and other relief supplies on March 19th. Member of WIMA Japan accompanied PITSUPPORT in transit and delivered “WIMA Canopy”.

Motorcycles delivered to Sendai City Disaster Volunteer Center (Sendai City Council of Social Welfare) are being utilized as valuable means of mobility among dotted shelters and volunteer centers. The bikes were effectively used as a communication tool especially when communication system disrupted just after the earthquake and tsunami. Four out of the six motorcycles equipped with huge container and were actually trikes, and these vehicles can be used to transport some relief supplies. Thus, they are now conveniently used by the local people.




We also collected relief supplies when our Tohoku member came to Tokyo and she delivered the goods directly to those who need it.


In addition to this, in Europe as well as in Japan, fundraising campaigns for the recovery of Tohoku region were carried out and the total amount of donations JPY 577,869 was sent to Miyagi and Iwate prefectures on June 3rd.

We wish for their earliest possible recovery.

ラブジアース ミーティング16th/鳥取県 鳥取市 砂丘第二海水浴場(オアシス広場)

The 16th Love the Earth in Tottori prefecture

The Love the Earth campaign was held at the beach near the Tottori Sand Dunes on May 29th.

第16回ラブジアース in 鳥取


Unfortunately, typhoon was approaching to the region on this day but about 200 crazy riders gathered to clean up the beach. All participants came in the pouring rain and strong wind and this fact is enough for us to feel a sense of unity.


Love the Earth is an environmental protection initiative by motorcycle riders and WIMA Japan supports this campaign.
